In addition to Channeling, I am a Reiki Practitioner, Certified Coach, Medium, and a Certified Angel Practitioner

At a very young age, I was speaking to spirits and yet not aware of what this really was. Over the years, I developed more of my intuition. Much like most of us being more curious about the future and just knowing how to deal with some of my concerns, I went to a psychic fair to get answers. The psychic medium told me that I was on the wrong side of the table and told me that I needed to share my gift.

I have been known for being straight-forward and sometimes blunt, but these messages are delivered with consideration and light. All questions will be answered.

Integrative Holistic Practitioner

Inception of Opal Elephant

The gemstone Opal is associated with the Sacral Chakra. It is believed it is a symbol of hope, purity and truth. It also boosts the feelings of balance and peace.

I have always had a strong connection with animals. Spiritual animals bring advice, lessons, protection, power and wisdom. It is an energy that speaks to your spirit.

So why the elephant? An elephant is highly intelligent, has complex emotions, feelings, and compassion. They mourn their loved ones for days. They are strong and determined to move forward. The message behind the elephant is quite clear, that we can overcome any obstacle that is presented to us. They remind me of humans.

At times, we may experience defeat and feel somewhat paralyzed moving forward as we are uncertain of our direction. This is when we need to feel balance, peace, higher hope (opal), and just know we can overcome any obstacle we may be faced with by looking at different paths (elephant).

A special thanks to my Artist Colleen Castonguay, from Windsor, for capturing the warm, happy, inviting energy of my Opal Elephant, Willow. Not only does it reflect the Opal gemstone, but it really resonates with our main chakra colours. You can find her beautiful art work on her Facebook.